This day could bring a surprise or two, for better or for worse. We may struggle to communicate our ideas properly as the Moon in Aquarius and Mercury in Cancer bother each other in a quincunx. Still, there’s progress to be made once Luna sextiles Chiron in Aries. We might have to change our plans or catch some curveballs when the Moon locks into a square with rebel Uranus at 6:30 pm EDT, so a sense of flexibility will prove even more useful than normal.
March 21 – April 19
A generous impulse doesn’t always work out for the best. You may be in the mood to cover a friend’s lunch or make a charitable donation on a whim as the Moon in your humanitarian 11th house aligns with Uranus in your financially focused 2nd house. However, the angle between these two luminaries is not an easy one, and could leave you with cause for regret if you’re not cautious. Make sure you don’t wind up with a case of giver’s remorse.
April 20 – May 20
The simplest approach isn’t necessarily the most exciting one. It could be difficult to resist the urge to act out or show off as the Moon in your reputation sector squares off Uranus in your feisty sign, making it easy to go too far. There’s nothing wrong with expressing yourself and even enjoying a little bit of shock value, but make sure you’re not doing so in a way that could reflect upon you poorly. Important eyes may be watching (and remembering) your actions.
May 21 – June 20
An unexpected event or moment may shake up your plans at any moment. The Moon in your adventurous 9th house is grousing at Uranus in your hidden 12th house, which could bring rapid changes or curveballs from out of left field. It’s never easy to know what’s coming when Uranus is involved, so the best way to deal with this aspect would be to brace yourself for any and all eventualities. Going with the flow will be the simplest way to get where you’re going.
June 21 – July 22
People may want your attention, but that doesn’t mean you’re happy to give it. There is a tough angle between the Moon in your private 8th house and Uranus in your outgoing 11th house, so watch out! Even if you planned to spend the day dealing with personal business behind closed doors, it probably won’t turn out that way. Work, pleasure, whatever — someone is practically bound to ask you to play your part in the group. Hiding away isn’t really an option.
July 23 – August 22
An unexpected work matter may get in the way of any previously established plans. The Moon in your people-pleasing 7th house yanks rebel Uranus in your professional 10th house into a square. Ready yourself for something like a boss calling on you at the last minute to handle an important project. You may also spot a surprising opportunity and need to drop everything in order to pursue it. Just make sure you do so politely so no one feels left hanging.
August 23 – September 22
No matter how much you prepare, life can still surprise you. You may have everything all planned out with the efficiency of a drill sergeant as the Moon marches through your responsible 6th house, but its square to Uranus in your boundless 9th house could distract you to no end. Whether it’s inner flights of fancy getting in the way or someone else arriving in your life to change things up, expect a detour or two (or three) on the road to your original destination.
September 23 – October 22
You could feel a bit out of sorts at present, Libra. Due to the tense angle between the Moon in your expressive 5th house and Uranus in your secretive 8th house, you could be stuck pinging back and forth between showing off and hiding entirely, depending on which way the wind is blowing. It’s alright if you don’t entirely know which camp to settle in and keep feeling pulled between the spotlight and the shadowy wings. It’s your choice to go where you like.
October 23 – November 21
Someone may throw a wrench in your emotional works. The Moon in your sensitive 4th house is poking rebellious Uranus in your personable 7th house, which could result in a particular person meddling with your plans — even if they mean well. Their actions will almost certainly catch you off guard. They could push a few of your more sensitive buttons if you don’t establish proper boundaries! Don’t let someone else’s actions impact you negatively when you’re the ultimate authority of yourself.
November 22 – December 21
Don’t swim against the riptide, Sagittarius — that would overwhelm and exhaust you. You’re already moving along at top speed while the personal Moon and erratic Uranus spar. Their antics may trap you in a cosmic undertow, wherein multiple pressing tasks threaten to drown you. Instead of trying in vain to push through each one in order, consider moving certain things around in order to accommodate all these competing problems. Regardless, be prepared to step up and act like your most diplomatic and responsible self.
December 22 – January 19
There are more exciting things on offer than merely tending to your chores. The Moon is pointing your attention toward more basic matters as it paces through your grounded 2nd house, but a square to Uranus in your buoyant 5th house will offer you the chance to throw caution to the wind and go have some fun. Just remember to avoid going overboard in your pursuit of pleasure! Keep one foot firmly in reality, even if the other is skipping away.
January 20 – February 18
Confrontation may occur close to home. You’re tuned into your own program as the Moon moves through your sign, but the lunar square to Uranus in your domestic 4th house could create drama with a roommate or relative, requiring you to play peacekeeper. The physical structure of your home may also require attention — watch out for leaky faucets, dented walls, and cracked glass! Maintaining a sense of peace and calm won’t be easy, but you can manage it if you try.
February 19 – March 20
You may feel like you’re missing something obvious. Overlooking certain signals can happen in an instant while the Moon drifts through your sleepy 12th house. Plus, its shocking square to Uranus in your communications sector could leave you scratching your head as you try to figure out what is truly going on. Other people may have an agenda that goes against your needs, so think twice before hopping on the first bandwagon you see. Avoid sudden decisions and wait for clearer skies.
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February 11, 2025, foresees excitement, fresh ideas, and incredible opportunities for two lucky zodiac signs, all thanks to the Moon in Leo syncing up with Ju
AriesWhen making decisions about your health or fitness, don’t hesitate. You may receive good news at work today. Take your time before finalizing any real
Astrologer and Cut columnist