Though it is reputed to be the busiest shipping lane in the world, I did not see a single ship but the swell was enough to persuade me that being on dry land was a far better option than making the same trip by sea.
Lulworth Cove came up quick, then down to Worbarrow Bay with, inland to our left, the deserted village of Tynham, vacated in 1943 to make way for the MOD’s tank ranges. From there it was onto Kimmeridge and the first comfort stop, eight and a half miles in.
We then went up past Clavell Tower with a detour then through the Encombe Estate – I wouldn’t mind living there – because of an unstable cliff path to Kingston and a brief stop off at the Scott Arms. The last leg took in Chapman’s Pool – these are all great names for racehorses by the way – St Aldhelm’s Chapel and its look-out station and a clifftop memorial to Dr Bill Penley who was an early pioneer of radar.
A wrong turn shortly after nearly involved six of us in a spot of coasteering but we climbed our way up and out over the cliff. Luckily we had left our guide behind at this stage because he might have been unimpressed with the health and safety aspect of our correction. At Dancing Ledge we turned inland for one last hill back to Swanage.
You get a feeling on the last couple of miles of how Tantalus must have felt up to his neck in water with fruit hanging just out of reach. They are never-ending as my stride had shortened, legs were heavy, and Swanage just refused to come into view.
But we crossed the line, wearily, about eight hours after starting, just as it started to drizzle. All but two of those who started then finished and hopefully it will make a small contribution to the £3 million which Racing Welfare needs to raise annually to look after its 2,500 beneficiaries. This morning I might be one of them.
Through a FOIA request to the Indiana Horse Racing Commission, I have confirmed the following kills at that state’s two tracks last year (this is part 2;
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