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Creative activities of all kinds are under excellent stars on your birthday, so stop making excuses for why recent efforts have fallen short, because you will surely break through over the coming 12 months and succeed beyond your wildest dreams.
The answer to a question that has been bugging you for weeks will pop into your head today and you will probably kick yourself when you realize how simple the solution was. As your rivals are still in the dark you can, if you’re quick, make it pay.
If you don’t let the right people know what it is you desire today then you are unlikely to get it, so speak up and make sure the powers that be are aware of how they can assist you – and what favours you can do for them in return.
While it may be true that a bit of what you fancy does you good there is a danger that you will indulge too much and regret it later on. You don’t have to grab everything you can get just because the opportunity is there. Show some restraint.
What someone in a position of authority says today may sound sensible but if your instincts nag at you that it’s not the whole truth then you would be wise to reserve judgment and tell them you will make up your mind about it later – maybe much later!
Although you seem to be at the mercy of events over which you have no control that does not mean those events will be bad for you personally. On the contrary, the approaching solar eclipse suggests they could end up working very much in your favour.
Friends and relatives may be pressing you to make up your mind about an issue that for some reason doesn’t feel right but don’t let them force your hand. A few days from now the situation will be a lot clearer, so make your decision then.
Tomorrow’s solar eclipse will sharpen your mind and make you more determined than ever to reach your goals, but not everyone will support you. Some people feel intimidated by your hyper-optimism but that’s a sign you are on the right track.
Don’t blame fate if something goes wrong today. Instead, look carefully at your own actions over the past few weeks and highlight those choices you made that were perhaps not the best. The good news is there is still plenty of time to change them.
Your confidence is such that you may be tempted to go it alone to reach your goals, and you will almost certainly succeed, but how much more could you do if you join forces with people who share your aims? Teamwork is essential over the next few days.
No matter what challenges you are confronted with over the next few days you will overcome each and every one of them. The upcoming solar eclipse will endow you with so much self-confidence that your actions may at times border on recklessness.
Cosmic activity in the most adventurous area of your chart will make it easy for you to overcome limitations and head off in exciting new directions. That applies both to your personal life and to your career. There is no telling where you might end up.
A worrying situation won’t go away simply by ignoring it. What occurs today will challenge you to open your eyes to reality and make whatever changes are necessary to transform your existence for the better. Don’t just dream it – do it!
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