
The Astrologers Knew It Was Joever

Posted by July 22, 2024

Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images

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Did The Simpsons predict Kamala Harris would be US president?…

Posted by July 22, 2024

Jul 22, 2024 11:27 AM IST Did The Simpsons predict more than 20 years ago that Kamala Harris would be the president of the United States? Viral posts h

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Joe Biden quits US presidential race: ‘In best interest of…

Posted by July 21, 2024

Embattled Joe Biden on Saturday announced his decision to drop out of the US presidential election race, saying "it is in the best interest of my party and the

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Weekly Horoscope: April 7-April 13, The Great American Eclipse

Posted by July 21, 2024

Change is coming! Without change, we wouldn’t evolve into who we’re meant to be and experience what life has to offer. We must embrace the winds of t

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